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Steri-Water Specifications

Product Number DescriptionSizeQuantityAdd to Quote
Product Number:C-STWA-02 Description:SterileSize:1 GallonQuantity:4/cs Steri-Water
Product Number:C-STWA-16Z Description:SterileSize:16ozQuantity:12/cs Steri-Water
Product Number:C-STWA-2G Description:SterileSize:2 GallonQuantity:2/cs Steri-Water
Product Number:C-STWA-5G Description:SterileSize:5 GallonQuantity:1/cs Steri-Water
Product Number:C-STWA-8L Description:SterileSize:8 LitersQuantity:2/cs Steri-Water

Steri-Water sterile purified water, USP is used where the availability of a quality water grade is necessary in areas such as chemical formulation, cleaning, rinsing and many other applications. It is a ready-to-use product. Steri-Water is produced sterile by aseptic filtration at 0.2 microns and then gamma irradiated. Each container is double bag packaged and delivered each time with the lot specific Certificate of Analysis, Certificate of Irradiation and Sterility Report.