BioClean Nerva™
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BioClean Nerva™

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BioClean Nerva™ Specifications

Product Number SizeColorQuantityAdd to Quote
Product Number:G-BNAL-S Size:SmallColor:Quantity:1000/Case
Product Number:G-BNAL-M Size:MediumColor:Quantity:1000/Case
Product Number:G-BNAL-L Size:LargeColor:Quantity:1000/Case
Product Number:G-BNAL-XL Size:X-LargeColor:Quantity:1000/Case
Product Number:G-BNAL-XXL Size:XX-LargeColor:Quantity:1000/Case
SKU: 704 Categories: ,

Nitrile with elbow length protection.

The 400mm (16) BioClean NervaTM nitrile gloves provide elbow-length protection. With excellent ESD properties, the glove is resistant to a wide range of chemicals, and is latex-free. The white, ambidextrous glove features a textured surface for enhanced grip and beaded cuff for easy donning. It complies with the requirements of the Glove Standard EN420:2003, the European Medical Gloves Standard EN455 (Parts 1, 2 & 3) and EN374-1, 2 & 3:2003. It is manufactured in a facility holding ISO 9001:2008 and 89/686/EEC Article 11b certifications and processed in a cleanroom environment to ensure compatibility with ISO Class 5 operating conditions. With a five-year shelf life, the gloves are available in sizes Small to XX-Large. 100 pieces are sealed in an inner PE bag and one inner bag is sealed in an outer PE bag, ten of which are contained within a carton liner “ making 1000 gloves in total