Bio-Simplex® Spinner Flask Accessories
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Bio-Simplex® Spinner Flask Accessories

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Bio-Simplex® Spinner Flask Accessories bring the benefits of single-use to your existing glassware. These assemblies are designed to be used with your existing glassware for fluid transfer into and out of your spinner flask.

Save time and cost associated with assembly, cleaning, and validations with the one-piece construction of these aseptic transfer assemblies. The molded EZ Top® stopper and tubing creates a seamless fluid path that eliminates contamination as well as product loss due to mechanical connections. The assembly stopper and tubing are made from animal-derived component-free (ADCF) C-Flex® pharmaceutical-grade thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) resin and utilize a Bio-Simplex FlexJoint™ which accommodates angle deviation in hand-blown spinner flasks and eliminates tube kinking and shape loss after autoclaving along with a polypropylene cap. The assembly is engineered to ensure an unobstructed fluid path, extremely low levels of extractables, and a secure elastomeric seal against glass, plastic, and metal surfaces. Customized designs, sizes, packaging, and other options, such as end treatments or filters, are available upon request.

  • Secure seal against plastic, glass, and metal
  • Unobstructed fluid path
  • Extremely low levels of extractables
  • Works with sterile connecting devices and thermal tubing sealers
  • Standard two- and three-port configurations
  • Compatible with 1-, 3-, 8-, 15-, and 36-liter flasks
  • Autoclavable