Clearview™ Sterile Single Use Goggles
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Clearview™ Sterile Single Use Goggles

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Clearview™ Sterile Single Use Goggles Specifications

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BioClean ClearviewTM Sterile Single Use Goggles are constructed from lightweight and ultra-soft PVC with a silicone rubber, latex-free head band to offer safety goggles with unrivalled comfort. The protective goggles feature a unique indirect ventilation system, sterilization by ethylene oxide and fully validated to ISO 11135-1-2007. The universal-sized safety goggles are manufactured in a facility holding ISO 9001:2008 and 89/686/EEC Article 11b certification and packed in a Nextech certified ISO Class 4 cleanroom. They are processed in a NEBB certified cleanroom environment to ensure ISO Class 4 and EU GMP Grade A/B compatibility. With a three-year shelf life, each pair of protective goggles is individually sealed in a Tyvek/PE bag and 10 pieces then sealed in an outer Tyvek/PE bag. A carton liner contains six outer bags, making 60 pieces in total.

  • Toughened polycarbonate, optically correct lens, anti-fog and scratch resistant.
  • Classified as Category 3 “ Complex Design Personal Protective Equipment “ conforming to PPE Directive 89/686/EEC.