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Asepti-Cleanse Specifications

Product Number DescriptionQuantityAdd to Quote
Product Number:C-DEC-301STANDSS Description:1/Case Asepti-Cleanse Stainless Steel StandQuantity:1/Case
Product Number:C-DEC-301SS Description:1/Case Stainless Steel Wall Box for DEC-301 Asepti-Cleanse DispenserQuantity:1/Case
Product Number:C-DEC-301TRAY Description:1/Case Plastic Drip Tray for Asepti-Cleanse UnitQuantity:-
Product Number:C-DEC-301 Dispenser Description:1/Case Asepti-Cleanse Dispenser for 32oz BottlesQuantity:-
Product Number:C-DEC-301STAND Description:1/Case Asepti-Cleanse StandQuantity:-
Product Number:C-DECWFI-BOT-01 Description:12/Case Decon-Ahol WFI Formula, Non-SterileQuantity:-
Product Number:C-DECWFI-BOT-02 Description:12/Case Decon-Ahol WFI Formula, SterileQuantity:-

VAI offers a hands free dispensing system for Decon-Ahol® and Decon-Hand®. The dispensing system is the most advanced infrared sensor dispensing system available in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Developed to meet the requirements of cGMP clean room operations. Asepti-Cleanse® is sealed to protect the internal electronics against cleaning and disinfecting. The unit mounts directly to glass or walls, making the dispenser an excellent choice for gowning rooms or aseptic manufacturing areas.

  • Is a sealed unit that protects the coated internal electronics Is photo-eye operated.
  • Just place your hand underneath and it dispenses a pre-measured dose to the hand without contact of the person to the unit.
  • Can be adjusted to dispense approximately 1, 2 or 3 mLs.
  • Is designed in a dual power configuration of power supply. It can be powered by 4 D Cell batteries (4 D Cells last over 1 year) or connected to a 110 Volt receptacle in the same unit. In the electrically mounted installation, one has the backup of the battery power if a failure in the power line occurs due to abnormal situation.
  • Mounts directly to on glass or walls.
  • Is water resistant in design.
  • Is small. It measures 12 inch long x 5 inches wide x 2 inches high and has a keyless opening and closing of the unit.