Sterile Suite® Respirator Hood & Hose, S-RT3SA-IR
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Sterile Suite® Respirator Hood & Hose, S-RT3SA-IR

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Sterile Suite® Respirator Hood & Hose, S-RT3SA-IR Specifications

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Validate Steriled to a 10-6 S.A.L. The headband-free RT Series hood provides high performance respiratory protection through a comfortable sport neck cuff design that helps maintain positive pressure inside the hood, helping to keep contaminants out. The patented over-the-top air delivery system delivers the air over the user™s head, down the front of the lens, and into the breathing zone. This system helps to promote curvature of the hood for a better fit to the user™s head. This unique air delivery method provides for a positive seal, minimizes fogging of the lens, minimizes dry eyes and nasal passages, and provides a reservoir of breathing air to help maintain positive pressure.

  • Widest lens on the market (135 sq. in.) provides for unobstructed visibility.